Editorial Board
dr hab. Wiesław Alejziak, prof. AKF - Editor-in-Chief
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Institute of Entrepreneurship and Management
dr Bartosz Szczechowicz - Associate Editor
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Institute of Entrepreneurship and Management
dr Patrycja Ozga-Gwóźdź - Editorial Board Secretary
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Institute of Entrepreneurship and Management
dr Mikołaj Bielański - Proxy of Open Access
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Institute of Tourism
prof. Marcjanna M. Augustyn - Foreign Member
Bournemouth University, UK
Department for Marketing Strategy and Innovation, Centre for Sustainable Business Transformations
dr hab. Piotr Zmyślony, prof. UEP - Polish Member
Poznan University of Economics, Poland
dr hab. Ryszard Winiarski, prof. AKF - Member
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Institute of Recreation and Space Sports
dr Sabina Owsianowska - Member (former Editorial Board Secretary)
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Institute of Recreation and Space Sports
dr hab. Andrzej Matuszyk, prof. emeritus AKF - Honorary Member (former Editor-in-Chief)
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Thematic Editors
Thematic Editor for Humanities:
- dr hab. Maria Zowisło, prof. AKF
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Institute of Tourism
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7459-1083 - prof. PhDr. Ivo Jirásek, Ph.D.
Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Faculty of Physical Culture, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies
Thematic Editor for History:
- dr hab. Ewa Roszkowska, prof. AKF
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Institute of Recreation and Space Sports
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2236-3462 - prof. Dr. Annette R. Hofmann
Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany
Germany ICSSPE Vice President Vizeprasidentin DTB Stellvertret
Vorsitzende Deutsche Olympische Akademie
Thematic Editor for Geography:
- dr hab. Zygmunt Kruczek, prof. AKF
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Institute of Tourism
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3015-2139 - prof. Richard Butler
Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, UK
Thematic Editor for Economics:
- prof. dr hab. Aleksander Panasiuk
Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5807-6636 - prof. Richard Robinson
The University of Queensland, Australia
Thematic Editor for Management:
- dr hab. Magdalena Kachniewska, prof. SGH
SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3163-0868 - prof. Marianna Sigala
Sheffeld Hallam University, Sheffield Business School, UK
Thematic Editor for Sport and Leisure Sciences:
- dr hab. Rajmund Tomik, prof. AWF
Academy of Physical Education in Katowice, Poland
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9603-8828 - doc. PaedDr. Pavel Ruzbarsky, PhD., univer. prof.
Fakulta sportu Presovskej univerzity v Presove, Slovensko
Language Editor (Polish version)
Michał Stachowski
Language Editor (English version)
Soren Gauger (native speaker)
Katarzyna Smith-Nowak (AmE native speaker)
Statistical Editor
dr Stanisław Matusik
University of Physical Culture in Kraków, Poland
Institute of Entrepreneurship and Management